Humana 3 Optimum Little Heroes My Pack 300g

Product Code: 070892


Humana 3 Optimum Little Heroes My Pack Milk Powder Drink 300g after the 12th month, WITH NEW FORMULA AND NEW PACKAGING MY PACK

Active body and mind for exciting adventures!

Your baby has just turned 1 year old and is now discovering and exploring the world more and more, while their nutritional needs are changing. Experts in toddler nutrition have identified suboptimal intake of certain nutrients: typically, vitamin D and iron are at very low levels (EFSA Journal 2013; 11; 3408).

The Humana 3 Little Heroes drink supports your toddler’s active body and mind by providing all the necessary ingredients for age-appropriate cognitive and motor development. This is our contribution to a world full of fun and exciting adventures for toddlers.

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